This week I travelled to Castlegar, BC to install an exhibition at the Kootenay Gallery of Art. This show includes two large installations, a hanging installation made of thousands of circular embroideries and a wall installation consisting of years of my samples and sketches arranged to look like wallpaper.
The show, titled Consumed by Clouds runs from September 6 – November 2, 2019.
The site specific work created at the Kootenay Gallery of Art explores thread’s subtle quality versus it’s accumulative presence. This installation consists of multiple low hanging “clouds” or three dimensional scribbles that will be made entirely out of thread. Each cloud will consist of hundreds of sewn elements inspired by “spirographs” that will hang from the ceiling with individual threads. This dense collection of sewn lines is made of saturated thread colours like neon green, yellow, orange and pink. These bright hues colour the space, creating a vivid atmosphere filled with saturated lines. Viewers will move around the embroidered environment through paths and will be invited to lay underneath the installation. The pieces will move slightly with the movement of air, creating a surreal synthetic environment enveloping the viewer in line and colour.
After the opening, I hosted a workshop titled, “Embroidered Specimens” where participants created a small embroidered design inspired by the natural world. It was fun to run the workshop in the gallery space next to the wall of samples.
Thanks to J. Addington for these images of the exhibition. Thanks also to the Canada Council for the Arts for their support of this exhibition.